The Concept of Restorative Justice as a Means of Legal Protection for Victims of Crime in Indonesia
1Yudhi Syufriadi,2Nandang Sambas,3Chepi Ali Firman Zakaria
1,2,3Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Bandung

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This research aims to determine how the concept of legal regulation regarding Restorative Justice is used as legal protection for victims of criminal acts in Indonesia. The analysis used in this study is qualitative with a normative juridical approach. This study concludes that the restorative justice paradigm offers another way of dealing with crime. According to the restorative justice paradigm, the process of resolving crimes involves the perpetrators, victims, and the community. The Criminal Code regulates more about protecting the rights of suspects, defendants, and convicts as part of protecting human rights. Progressively various laws and regulations have become the legal basis for the settlement of criminal cases by implementing the restoration of justice as the protection of victims of crime, social recovery, and reducing the burden on the state. The Criminal Code is also still oriented towards retributive justice, which is punitive as retaliation for the perpetrators of criminal acts. In the retributive justice paradigm, the sanctions imposed are not aimed at retaliating against the perpetrators of the crime but sanctions that can arouse the perpetrator's responsibility for the suffering of the victim or sanctions that aim to restore the suffering of the victim.


Restorative Justice, Legal Protection, Crime, and Law


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